With more than 100.000+ models registered and actively starring on cams every week, Cameraboys.com is one of the liveliest straight, gay and couple webcam streaming sites. With free and LIVE tip-to-view masturbation and gay sex shows available, the site is the real-deal for men and women with an eye for hard abs, huge cock and great hairstyle. Plus, with rates starting at only $0.98 per minute you can count on pocket-friendly pastime too. Since the site has been renovated most recently, it’s high time to cover Camera Boys most vivid benefits for connoisseurs of naked male body.
Unlike the previous version, most recent iteration of site’s visuals lays great emphasis on HQ pictures of models. Plus, in terms of interface you can access both Private and Free chat right from model’s profile section at the home page. The move is very convenient as it grants almost instant access to performers currently online for some here-and-now action.
Moreover, great work has been done improving page download time and fixing general navigation usability. Show’s streams are launched in less than a second, letting you chat with a selected model at once.
Another thing is that cameraboys.com supports more languages than ever before, if you’re not fluent in English. Almost all major European languages are supported including Polish, Russian and Slovenian. Now, let’s take a look at available boys, shall we?
As usual, the site offers couple hundred thousand registered models logging in on a weekly and monthly basis all the time to reach out to fans, have fun and masturbate for those ready to tip. No female models are available, although women are most welcome to enjoy HQ webcam guy shows as site’s members. Speaking about the selection of models, the following categories are available:
At any given time, there’re up to 300 hotties online in public chatrooms. If you like a guy, you can spend time with him in private, watching the stud masturbate, jerk off, cum and repeat once again in case you’re willing to carry on spending time with him. Cam2Cam fun is also available.
What if you’d like to see a show by a favorite model but can’t spend that much? Check out Videos On Demand (VOD) which are recorded web-cam shows by models of your choice offered at only $0.58. Unlimited free chatting, without any hardcore nudity though is available non-stop, if a chosen male model is online but not currently involved in any private cam sex. Registering a profile brings you FREE credits worth $9.99. By and large, there’re 4 credit packages which cost as follows:
Starting from year two of Cameraboys.com advancing in the world of guys on cams, the site has always been featured in various TOP-10 charts voted by adult entertainment business professionals and users alike. Right they are – this is the service to look up to. Next-to-infinite number of models, lots of performers online anytime you enter, quick navigation and proper streaming quality on both web and mobile solutions – if you haven’t gone signing up for a profile yet, it’s already time to do it!
Blog section is another peculiar place to drop by. There’re pretty much interesting articles on gay stereotypes, chatting tips, hookup places and more. If you’d like any relevant read waiting for your favorite hunk to be free, check out blogs and broaden the outlook a bit.
Time for conclusions? Alright, after cosmetic renovation and site’s engine improvements Cameraboys.com came out even better. Hands down, it’s one of the greatest male webcam streaming platforms granting unforgettable pastime for free and paying members altogether. Register now, gained experience will worth your while top to bottom!